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Skintillation®'s unique plastic surgeon formulated skincare contains the most powerful, scientifically proven anti-wrinkle ingredients available. Prevents formation of new wrinkles, reduces the appearance of existing wrinkles and stimulates collagen to ensure maintenance of skin elasticity and youthfulness.

"You can't fix your skin with a scalpel which is why I started a skin care brand."

Dr Simone Matousek, Skintillation® founder, Plastic surgeon, PhD

Wrinklase Day serum

Hyaluronic acid serum with B3 (niacinamide).
Mixed molecular weight hyaluronic acid for an immediate wrinkle filling effect.

Wrinklase Night cream

Ultra-light moisturiser with collagen synthesising and muscle relaxing peptides.
Acts on the same pathway as botulinum toxin to relax muscles.


Face Fruit Punch

Exfoliating fruity facial cleanser with five fruit derived alpha hydroxy acids balanced with jojoba oil and shea butter.


Facial oil with five concentrated anti-oxidants
Astaxanthin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10



Lips need their own skin care. A hydrating and lip plumping balm packed with actives to hydrate and stimulate collagen synthesis and Amazonian seed butters for extra softness.

Liptease hot with chilli

All the lip plumping and collagen synthesising actives of original Liptease, with a hint of chill for extra redness and fullness.


Wicked Blink

Lash enhancing gel containing only a peptide for increased lash length.
Prostaglandin and prostaglandin analogue free.

Body Brew

Coming soon an invigorating all organic caffeine body scrub.
With concentrated Vitamin E.

Skintillation makes cosmoceutical strength skin care accessible to everyone. Ships worldwide.

Dr Simone only uses ingredients in concentrations high enough to truly transform your skin.
Just because something is called a 'cosmoceutical' does not mean it is stronger; it is a marketing term, not a marker of efficacy or strength. It is a myth that your skincare must be purchased from a beautician or medispa for it to be strong enough to work. Dr Simone believes in making concentrated skin care available directly to the consumer.

The most effective ingredients sourced from around the world.

Skintillation is a simple yet highly effective skin care regimen.

Dr Simone is always striving to improve the products with more powerful ingredients to minimise the number of creams a person has to use.
The most important thing about a skin care regimen is finding concentrated ingredients that work for your skin and applying them regularly. It is not possible to find the time to use every single skin enhancing product and most multi-step complex skin care regimens are not practical to maintain.
The Skintillation range aims to provide a few simple easy to use products that will transform your skin.

Scientifically Proven Skincare

Dr Simone Matousek Plastic surgeon, PhD and Skintillation founder is a leading researcher in plastic surgery, with her original PhD research quoted around the world in the eminent journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

She has always been passionate about skincare as an integral part of any anti-ageing plan.
Smooth, glowing skin with an even texture is the most important contributor to a youthful appearance.

Why a plastic surgeon became interested in skincare

Dr Simone realised early on whilst surgery can do a lot of things, it does not adequately address skin texture and fine lines. Daily protection of the skin with concentrated active ingredients is critical to prevent ageing. The results of surgery are average if the skin is in poor shape.
Great skin is the foundation upon which all other anti-ageing treatments should be administered. Despite having the tools to perform procedures with more dramatic anti-ageing effects, there is no substitute for excellent skin care.
Using her research background Dr Simone has spent the last decade working out the best combination of skin care ingredients and sourcing them from around the world.
Over the course of her many years as a practising specialist plastic surgeon, she has tried and tested various skin care products, many requiring unnecessary complex regimens. She wanted to develop a range that was very easy to use and which combines the most powerful anti-ageing ingredients available in the right concentrations to reverse ageing as well as making the skin look better upon application.

Precisely formulated with active ingredients in the right concentrations for maximum skin enhancing, protecting and anti-aging effects without irritation.

Dr Simone is involved in the design, creation and testing process of all the products.
Skintillation was established in 2011 and it was many years before the first products were released to ensure their quality and efficacy.
Many skin creams contain active ingredients; however. they need to be in the right concentrations to have any effect. Determining which combination of ingredients works best takes patience, time and extensive research and testing.

All production is overseen personally by Dr Simone in Australia.

Rigorous stability and safety testing.

Dr Simone works in conjunction with experienced cosmetic chemists with several months to years of development for each product.
All Skintillation® products have been extensively researched and stability tested to deliver the ideal concentration of each active ingredient for maximum efficacy.


Most important skin care ingredients

Dr Simone, plastics surgeon, goes thorough scientifically proven active ingredients that will transform your skin.

Dr Simone’s skin care secrets

Dr Simone talks about skin care ingredients, especially the most effective peptides that have real anti-ageing and skin enhancing effects.

Dr Simone talks simple things for skin

The important important things for maintaining skin do not involve complex multi-step regimens or expensive treatments. Read about Dr Simone's tips for maintaining beautiful skin.

Best lip products- Liptease

Liptease, a must-have lip plumping balm featured in Cos Beauty Magazine

Dr Simone talks about starting a skin care line

Dr Simone talks about the early days of developing her skin care line and her revolutionary plastic surgical techniques in Vogue magazine.